Contracts are the tools through which companies operate, regulate relations with employees, collaborators, customers and suppliers, protect themselves and plan their activities. In other words, they are a vital tool for every business. Nevertheless, often little importance is given to the activity of drafting and negotiating contracts, either because they are carried away by the enthusiasm of concluding a deal, or by the need to conclude as soon as possible, with the consequence that when the first problems arise, we realize that we do not have a valid protection tool or useful elements to overcome pathological phases of the relationship.
For us at Forlani Consulting, the contract is not only an indispensable protection tool, but a clarifying document of the intentions and prerogatives of the parties, programmatic (through which the parties plan the various activities), which must necessarily be drawn up in a very clear, intuitive, orderly and coherent way, also using the guidelines of Legal Design (see article STOP TO LEGALESE), and not least an image tool.
The Firm has gained significant experience in the following sectors:
The services provided by the professionals of this Unit concern in particular the drafting, negotiation, stipulation methods, management of the contractual relationship, up to litigation, in the case of irreconcilable disputes.
Generally the activity takes place in the following steps:
In a series of cases, in order to reconcile the different (and sometimes conflicting) needs of companies, for example those of protection on the one hand and those of speed in transactions on the other, we often suggest drawing up general conditions of contract, taking care to provide all the instructions for a correct improvement of the relationship, so that all the clauses inserted are legitimate if subjected to the possible scrutiny of a judge / arbitrator.
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