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Despite the constantly changing international context, characterized by conflicts, the crisis of raw materials, rising energy costs and skyrocketing inflation and  pandemics, SMEs continue to see exports (sales outside  the national territory) as an indispensable resource for the company and  in internationalization (adaptation of the company to an international context)  a  growth path and a strategy to diversify the risks inherent in the markets.

In this context, Forlani Consulting Studio Legale has gained significant experience in the international sector, providing its clients with a series of services, attributable in particular to:

International Contracts

This service is provided using the standards and forms of international law, with the use of legal English, and taking particular care to provide for the correct application of the rules on European and international law and common law, for example to the applicable substantive law and to the competent court.

Generally, before starting contract negotiation activities, we recommend finalizing a series of preliminary documents, such as letters of intent, non-competition agreements, business plans.

Debt collection and litigation abroad

The firm provides assistance to Italian companies that need to recover debts abroad, executing Italian securities in countries with which there are recognition agreements, or acting directly in the debtor’s country.

At the same time, the Firm assists Italian companies in litigation (ordinary or arbitral) abroad, sometimes independently, sometimes in collaboration with lawyers of the country of reference.

Joint Venture Operations

The firm has gained experience in assisting Italian companies wishing to establish collaborative relationships with strategic partners in other countries. In this context, the most commonly carried out activities concern the drafting and negotiation of the following documents: Memorandum of Undestanding, Business Plan / Action Plan, Article of Association and Shareholders Agreement, Ancillary Agreements.

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